Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Appointment this Wednesday

Simon has been doing very well. Now that the swelling has gone down, ridges have appeared. I took pictures of the one on top of his head as it is the most noticeable, and I e-mailed them to the craniofacial surgeon. She thinks that it is likely the way the bone is shaped as they did take the existing bone above his forehead, cut it out, rotate it, and put it back on. She hopes that his head will smooth out as his skull grows. I hope so, too. I know that we should expect lumps and bumps after these surgeries, but this surgery was supposed to give his brain more room and smooth out his head with the bone grafts and bone paste. His forehead looks great, free of the dents and pulsing soft spot. We will see the craniofacial surgeon tomorrow for an appointment, and hopefully one of his neurosurgeons will be there too.
Next month, Simon will have an assessment through Child Find to evaluate everything. I have the appointment primarily for his speech, and I still have to make an appointment with the audiologist to discuss hearing aids. With school back in session, these things are getting harder to do.

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